Purchase Orders

Send your PO via the checkout or email us directly.

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We take Purchase Orders (PO)!

Do you want to place an order with us? Great! You can send us your PO number via our checkout or over email. We accept wire transfers, PayPal, and credit cards.


Option 1:
Select ‘Purchase Order’ at checkout

The simplest and quickest way is simply to go to our shop, add products to your cart and then select ‘Purchase Order’ as the payment method in the checkout. Enter the number of the PO in the field and you are ready (no need to send us the PO file)! We will reach out to you within 24 hours with the invoice and payment instructions. 


Option 2:
Email us the order and we handle it!

If you prefer to just send us a ready PO file, please reach out to our amazing sales team at sales@strawbees.com. Make sure to attach the PO in the email. You can send your own file or use the template below! We will reach out to you within 24 hours with the invoice and payment instructions. 

If you want to make your own PO, please make sure to include the following information:

  • Company name
  • Buyer name
  • Phone number
  • Email
  • Invoice address
  • Shipping address (if different from invoice address)
  • EU VAT number (if applicable)
  • Dou need needs W-9? (Yes/No)

Strawbees contact details:

Strawbees AB
Stenkolsgatan 1B
417 07 Gothenburg
Organization number: 556983-8914
VAT number: SE556983891401

Payment Options

You will receive payment instructions via email after you placed your order.

Possible payment methods:

  • Credit Card – You will receive a link via email so you can pay online.
  • PayPal – You will receive a link via email so you can pay online.
  • Wire transfer – You will receive our bank details via email.

Remittance Address (for checks)

Strawbees AB c/o Svenska Handelsbanken
900 Third Avenue 17th Floor
New York, NY
Attn: Cash Management Processing

More questions?

Have you looked for your answer on our FAQ? 

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