Collab with micro:bit

We launched Strawbees‪ the ’Robotic Inventions for micro:bit’ kit at BETT 2020!

BOOOM!! We launched Strawbees‪ ’Robotic Inventions for micro:bit’ kit at ‪#BETT2020.This kit is to snap the micro:bit with physical Strawbees buildings and programming mechanical structures with servo motors. A way to create physical interaction with your next project!

Strawbees Robotic Inventions for micro:bit in use in a classroom

Robotic Inventions for micro:bit in use in a classroom.

The feedback has been phenomenal‬ – we try to connect not only straws and connectors but learning systems and people! Thanks so much Hal Speed Chief of Global Engagement and your passionate team at Micro:bit Educational Foundation for your ongoing support.

Photo of Erik Thorstensson with Hal Speed at BETT 2020

‘Strawbees is so much more than a building system. In many ways Strawbees is that rapid prototyping system helping kids get their ideas out of their minds into the physical world in a simple, creative and fast way.’ Hal Speed, Chief of Global Engagement micro:bit.

Watch our latest Playinar “Storytelling with micro:bit + Strawbees”:

You can preorder the Robotic Inventions for micro:bit now.